Press Release
MyAppZone, Laureate of the Baking the Future Challenge
The international startup challenge 'Baking the Future', organized by Europastry and Eatable Adventures to disrupt the baking industry, gathered 84 startups from 14 countries. And guess who's in the 3 laureates?
MyAppZone shares the podium with two French startups, Connecting Food (blockchain of food traceability, winner) and Croustillant (Fresh baked products delivered at your door).
More than ever, we feel like that Interactive Marketing is becoming the next big channel for marketers to play with! MyAppZone looks forward to disrupt the way Europastry is bounding with its customer base using our Interactive Customer Experience solution.
Jérôme Corbiau (CEO) | |
Flagworlds sprl Avenue Louise 523 1050 Bruxelles |